Some changes and corrections made today:
Reduced Goblin Points earned every 30 minutes from 30 to 15.
Increased Ignis Ticket drop on Vulcanus.
Added a new store X, with new prices and addition of new items.
Creation of earrings and mounts with 4 additional ones made easier by 10%.
Fixed ruud drop in the Guild War Devias event [Beta]
Some changes and corrections made today:
Added alliance system in the Guild War Devias event.
Fixed drops from Mini Noss invasions on the hunt server.
Increased HP of boss Balgass.
Modified level system to access maps on the hunting server, where maps higher than level 200 will be limited to level 200 max.
Modified the /hunt command to only appear if the player is online and hunting level.
Remade ingame news system.
Added speed hack protection to the new skills from season 19 part 1.3.
Some changes and corrections made today:
Increased Drop of Golden Sentence on server speed.
Corrected description of level 5 Wings.
Fixed image of Wings Core.
Ability Crystal drop in normal server invasions has been readjusted to 30% chance per monster killed on normal servers and 50% vip.
Increased experience on all speed servers.
Added Miracle Coin drops on all maps with monsters from level 1 to 800.
Added 4th Relic and Top Grade to moss merchant Miracle.
Corrected description of the Ability Crystal item.
Increased ruud gained from golden raids on the speed server.
Changed Balgass's time on the Speed ββserver to 21:00.
Hero Soul added to Lorencia's bar on the Speed ββserver.
Increased gem drops on speed servers by 10x.
Fixed speed pass server maximum level.
Reworked the Feather Uriels drop system.
Added 5th NPC to the speed server.
We have gathered the latest changelogs available on our discord into a single file.
Atenciosamente, staff.
Some changes and corrections made today: - Added new tab for the Ice Temple event in the server rules
Overall Damage Balance increased across all classes.
RF class defense increased by 6%.
ELF class damage increased by 1.8%.
BK class damage increased by 1.6%.
Death Scythe skill damage increased by 3.20%.
Some changes and corrections made today:
Removed Lorencia monsters from the huntpoints server.
Buff system when starting a PvP on the returned huntpoints server.
Illusion event damage readjusted.
At the request of the players, some modifications to pvp were necessary after tests carried out by me.
In testing, some classes were buffed and others nerfed to create a healthy balance for the game.
We know that no one likes to have their class nerfed, but their own will is invalid when the good of the community is the focus.
The Death Scythe skill has had its damage reduced for operational testing purposes and will be under study for 24 hours, and may undergo further nerfs or buffs throughout the day.
Please note: No players were involved in the tests for better transparency.
The server's overall damage has also been reduced to avoid short-lived battles, allowing for more exciting battles.
Classes like ELF, IK and BK also had their damage modified.
Some changes and corrections made today:
Illusion Temple event damage reduced.
Weekly class balancing applied.
New combat system where PvP is activated by approaching 15 coordinates on the hunt server will begin testing today 18/03 at 15:00 GMT-3.
Added goblins every 30 minutes online.
- Free receives 30 goblins and VIP 40 every 30 minutes online.
Some changes and corrections made today:
Reduced Castle Siege and Crywolf event damage by 15%.
Reduced effect of the Circle Shield skill following Mu Korea standards. (New formula applied 30+(PlayerEne/10) )
New weekly balancing applied to PvP and PvM.
Ice Temple event being reformulated, and will be inactive.
Remade drops from the Illusion Temple event.
See the new drops from the Illusion event at the link: https://docs.starmu.online/guides/events/illusion-temple
Some changes and corrections made today:
Added new protections to the game.
New anti-screen and autobot system created that prevents players from getting stuck in safe.
Correction of the Dashboard, where it did not start with the game.
Fixed message Playing Star Mu on discord, when using the dashboard.
Second attempt at balancing after the launch of Season 19.
Some changes and corrections made today:
Increased number of Goblins gained in the Snake and Metal Balrog event.
Removed Ignis boss invasion that was in conflict with the auction event.
Fixed bug where commission was not charged for wcoin transactions, amounting to 10%.
Modifications made during the week:
Modified movement system for Devias 3, where you only spawn in one placeespecifico.
Extended Carnival event completed.
End of testing for new server exchange system for huntpoints.
Fixed lack of support for the new hackskill season 19 skills.
Created new log for skills missing from hackskill.
Automove system for missing characters in safes in Hunting being developed to avoid bots.
Reload on all servers will be applied shortly after the official announcement of this article.
Some changes and corrections made today:
Fixed Seals dropping in the Boss Auction event.
Fixed addition of certain seeds to Lighining boots and gloves.
Fixed bonus hunt text in the Book Apocalypse item.
Removed moves to any external server leaving HuntPoints.
Added new carnival event.
Improved Anti-Screen system with logs and usage history. The system for moving between servers for HuntPoints is already being finalized and we will soon post the result.
Some changes and corrections made today:
Removed Guards from the Hunt server.
Increased the pvp range on the map on the Hunt server.
Removed buff removal system when starting pvp on server hunt.
Added 1 fixed drop from the new Lighting boot on Balgass.
Released creation of earrings with 4 additional ones.
Released creation of mounts with 4 additional ones.
VIP server with 10% on the standard rate to evolve earrings and mounts with 4 additional ones.
New balancing applied to all servers.
Character delete system disabled.
Applications on the hunt server are still in the testing phase and may vary during the day.
Some changes and corrections made today:
Fixed hunting bonus on Lightning items and item descriptions.
Added new protections to the anti-hack system.
New class balancing applied.
Fixed inability to add sockets to lightning boots and gloves.
Some changes and corrections made today:
Removed /mix command from the huntpoints server.
Server speed drops gradually increased.
Vip Channel released on the Speed ββserver.
Corrected price of Bless of light in store x.
Decreased defense and health of Event server monsters
Initial post-Season balancing performed.
New DLL added to fix crashes in the game.
Some changes and corrections made today:
Increased number of players within Battle for each map.
Fixed hunting bonus in classes with 2 identical weapons.
Weekly balancing applied.
Some changes and corrections made today:
Added 50 idle stardust in hunt server invasions.
Traditional mini boss invasions on the hunt server now have 20 monsters.
Fixed hunting bonus on Rage Fighter class items.
Weekly Balancing carried out successfully.
Fixed Switch Mode when moving to the Mix server.
Removed the summon from the battle on the hunt server.
The distance between gem drops on free and VIP servers is now greater.
Some changes and corrections made today:
Weekly balancing carried out.
New anti-hack system against skills successfully applied to all servers.
Removed extra lives in Survival Party until the event is corrected.
Added hunting bonus to the Crimson Skull boot.
Ruud earned on the VIP server due to the Black Friday event will be permanent.
Some changes and corrections made today:
Modified Skills to avoid season 18 targeting bug:
Sword`s Fury Mastery
Swell Life Strengthener
Solid Protection Mastery
Added 30 second delay to reuse skills.
When you die, the skills will continue to be activated.
Fixed use of the Switch Mode system for a time exceeding 30 minutes.
The value for changing email on the website has been reduced.
Some changes and corrections made today:
Adjusted Ignis Vulcanus invasion.
Weekly balancing carried out successfully.
Race function where you drop twice when dying, adding a safe time of 10 seconds after death on the HuntPoints server.
Modifications to map levels on the Hunt Points server: Based on the new invasion event on the server.
Dungeon now requires level 20.
Devias now requires level 10.
Lost now requires level 15.
Atlas now requires level 25.
Tarkan now requires level 40.
New spots have also been added to the Noria map.
Weekly Balancing carried out successfully.
Added Ticket system to discord.
Added option to exchange items in discord tickets.
Added Happy Hour on the Ignis Vulcanus server.
Limit of accounts connected per player removed, now players can connect as many accounts as they want.
Purchase of Bless of Light for Goblin Points in the in-game store has been fixed.
Added potion delay in the Ice Temple event.
Added a new tab in the guides, super detailed about our chaos machine and rates in general, visit https://docs.starmu.online/guides/chaos-machine
Fixed creation of level 3 and 4 wings with Relics.
Added hunting bonus to Sets Sockets 400.
Fixed error in Bless of Light for Goblin Points in the in-game store.
Fixed error when dying in the Survival Party event.
Added new Temperest Muun Box to in-game store.
The new pets will be dropped on the ground and can be collected normally. You will see that Muun is already evolved and can reach level 5, increasing its attributes. New Pets are permanent.
Last updated